Scatter Me: Poems 1980 to 1989


Scatter Me: Poems 1980 to 1989


Scatter Me: Poems 1980 to 1989
Laughing Coyote
ISBN 0-9626451-0-9
Copyright  1990 D. R. Osborne
Cover Art: Cadiz Dune, Copyright 1990 Catherine Gail Bruhn

Scatter Me: Poems 1980 to 1989 is Dale's first published book.  Published in 1990, Scatter Me is poetry that explores the inner world of emotion, longing, loss, and joy, as well as the outer worlds of the California desert (Death Valley/Mojave Desert fans will recognize many a place name) and the sea.  The book was an early Mac based desktop publishing effort (and the good offices of one of many Ann Arbor, Michigan printers) by a creative collective called Laughing Coyote Reading Series, with Dale as the founding member.

Roadside Shrine is now able to bring this book back into the world thanks to the kind agreement of the other Coyotes  - Phil and John. Scatter Me was first published prior to the era of internet.  Enjoy! 

Note: Correspondence to the author should go to the Roadside Shrine address (alas, the Torrance P.O. Box is no longer active).

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Here is a sampling from the book:

A portion of the multiple sectioned title poem "Scatter Me"


I sink in dunes
body crack & dry
cloudless sand sky

Wind tear me away
jagged errors of skin
floating in drunk white light

Scatter me south
to Borrego Springs

Allow me luxury
of ruining condo lawns
by my roots & spring flowers

Cast me north
to paint abandon

Scoured rock
of Death Valley

Slice & dice
the dust

Of my despair
& sighs

Cover warplanes
& tanks

Choke Fort Irwin
by my
hearts golden dust motes

Ring the moon!

title 27

Once river glimpsed
elder tree branch
bent & crook over
spright water

early morning ah wander
down away the bend
adventure i walk on

but it follows
on my heels
to delight

title 42

Wind scudded rock
ubehebe crater black
the ancient fire

Now one day
we sit & hear
the ages blow by

Deep chasm
threatens to lift
my hat away

Hold on I cry
the steps are sunk
I make new paths