The Age of the Mother
The Age of the Mother
The Age of the Mother
Poems by Clifton Snider
Copyright Clifton Snider 1992
ISBN 0-962451-1-7
The Age of the Mother was Laughing Coyote's second, and final, publishing project. The Coyotes have been proud to have published Clif's amazing poetry.
The Age of the Mother includes personal experience with the mother and other feminine archetypes, as well as poetry on love, loss, death, mayhem. hope, faith, and many other subjects, some drawn from Native American, Christian, East Indian, and Greek myths, and many other sources (there are even poems on the Supremes and Aretha Franklin!). As a unifying image Snider uses a self-created figure, Jesse Rama-Kali, drawn from his first and third books, Jesse Comes Back and His Son. One reviewer said this:"Clifton Snider is a brave man…he is also a shaman, a journeyer, a traveler who sees past and present interleaving and co-existing…These poems touch something deep and almost forgotten so that you have to remember and know as if for the first time…Kindness and murder, mayhem and immediate contact with ultimate reality…the Mother as both a destroyer and preserver…The Age of the Mother brings it all together in one honest, fascinating book…
Clifton Snider, faculty emeritus at California State University Long Beach, is the internationally celebrated author of ten books of poetry. A career retrospective of his work, Moonman: New and Selected Poems, was published to great acclaim by World Parade Books (2012). In 2000-2001 he published three novels, Loud Whisper, Bare Roots, and Wrestling with Angles: A Tale of Two Brothers. New from Spout Hill Press is his first historical novel, The Plymouth Papers. A Jungian/Queer literary critic, he has published hundred of poems, fiction, reviews, and articles internationally. His work has been translated into Arabic, French, Spanish, and Russian.
Roadside Shrine is proud to bring back into the world Laughing Coyote's The Age of the Mother, thanks to the agreement with the other Coyotes.
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